Recycled Material Requirement 再生材料要求 | |
1 | Quality Manual |
質量手冊 | |
2 | Certified product list |
認證產品清單 | |
3 | Artwork of the certified products |
認證產品的結構圖 | |
4 | BOM/Spec of the certified products |
認證產品規格或材料表 | |
5 | Supplier list |
供應商清單 | |
6 | Purchase order |
采購訂單 | |
7 | Valid Reclaimed Material Declaration Form for each reclaimedd materials from suppliers if suitable |
供應商簽發的有效期以內的回收材料聲明(如適用) | |
8 | Business permit for operation of reclaimed materials from each suppliers if suitable |
回收材料供應商的經營許可(如適用) | |
9 | Inspection record of all incoming shipment of all reclaimed mateirals if suitable |
回收材料的驗貨記錄(如適用) | |
10 | Valid transation certificate (TC) of all recycled material from suppliers if suitable |
再生材料供應商提供的的認證機構簽發的交易證明 (如適用) | |
11 | Stock in and out record for all reclaimed/ recycled materials if suitable |
所有回收材料/再生材料的出入庫記錄 | |
12 | formula/composition of the certified products |
認證產品的配方或成分 | |
13 | Processing flow-chart of the certified products |
認證產品的工藝流程圖 | |
14 | Record of production batch |
生產批次記錄 | |
15 | SOP for recycled content calculation if suitable |
再生成分計算SOP | |
16 | Calculation sheet and record |
計算表格及記錄 | |
17 | Product delivery record |
產品出貨記錄 | |
18 | Transaction certificate (TC) for all outgoing GRS certified products |
認證機構簽發的認證產品出貨的交易證明 | |
19 | Equipment maintenance record |
設備維護保養記錄 | |
20 | Traceability procedure |
產品追溯步驟 | |
21 | Product recall procedure |
產品召回步驟 | |
22 | Recall record |
產品召回記錄 | |
Chemical management 化學品管理 | |
1 | Written chemical management policy (if any) |
書面的化學品管理方針政策(如有) | |
2 | An approved supplier list for chemicals used |
化學品合格供方名錄 | |
3 | Supplier letter and confirmation from suppliers |
采購信件和供應商的保函 | |
4 | List of approved chemicals |
合格化學品清單 | |
5 | Purchasing list of chemicals |
化學品采購清單(最近3個月) | |
6 | RSL and updated record (if any) |
限制性物質清單和更新記錄(如有) | |
7 | Management control procedures of approved chemicals |
合格化學品的管理控制程序 | |
8 | Test reports or certificates of compliance |
化學品測試報告和供方符合性聲明 | |
9 | Mechanism of collecting the SDS |
化學品安全數據表SDS的收集機制/程序 | |
10 | SDS of each approved chemical |
每種化學品的安全數據表SDS | |
11 | Mechanisms of determining and managing chemical risks |
確定和管理化學品風險的機制/程序 | |
12 | Chemical risk assessment report (if any) |
化學品風險評估報告(如有) | |
13 | Documented chemical handling procedure |
化學品操作程序文件 | |
14 | Training mechanism or plan |
培訓機制或培訓計劃 | |
15 | Training records, including registration table and assessment methods |
培訓記錄,包括簽到表和考核方式 | |
16 | Training packages (E.g. presentations, case studies, video, etc.) |
培訓教材(比如PPT、案例分析、視頻錄像等) | |
Environmental requirement 環境部分: | |
1 | EIA report & approval; CAI report & approval |
工廠歷年環評報告及批復,環保竣工驗收報告及批復 | |
2 | Water use permit (if any) |
取水許可證(如有) | |
3 | Pollutant Discharge Register (past 2 year) |
排污申報登記(近2年) | |
4 | Pollutant Discharge Permit |
排污許可證 | |
5 | Environmental Management System Documents and Policy |
企業環境管理體系文件和管理方針 | |
6 | Doument, measure and track controls for indicators of energy use, water use, wastewater/effluent,emissions to air, waste management |
記錄,測量和追蹤控制能源使用、用水、廢水/污水、廢氣排放、廢物管理的指標 | |
7 | Facility Master Plan |
廠區總平面圖 | |
8 | Annual reduction plan on energy use |
能耗使用減量年度計劃 | |
9 | Annual reduction plan on water use |
節水年度計劃 | |
10 | Map for Effluent and storm water pipeline, wastewater flow direction and discharge points |
廠區污水、雨水管線布置圖、廢水流向和排放點識別 | |
11 | Contractor for off-site wastewater treatment |
廢水委托處置協議 | |
12 | Wastewater/air abatement facility/equipment operation and maintenance record. |
廢水/廢氣處理設施運行記錄 | |
13 | Internal audit record for water consumption (monthly) for the past two years |
水耗使用內審記錄(每月)抽查 (近兩年) | |
14 | Regular wastewater quality testing/monitoring against all local legal requirements and TE GRS V4.0 limits listed in Appendix D. (report cover <6 months) |
按照當地法規要求和GRS V4.0附錄D的指標和限值要求對外排污水進行定期檢測(檢測報告小于6個月) | |
15 | Wastewater discharge data/testing report of Off-site wastewater treatment facility |
廠外廢水處理廠廢水排放數據/監測報告 | |
16 | Inventory of main point sources emissions to air |
廢氣排放清單 | |
17 | Inventory of equipment containing ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and regular maintenance records |
含有消耗臭氧層物質(ODS)的設備清單和定期維護記錄 | |
18 | Environmental Monitoring Report of air emissions |
廢氣檢測報告 | |
19 | Waste disposal contract (e.g. general industrial waste, hazardous waste, domestic waste) |
廢物處置合同(含一般工業廢物、危險廢物、生活垃圾) | |
20 | Record for waste generation and collection |
廢物產生/收集記錄臺賬 | |
21 | Annual reduction plan on waste reduction |
廢物減量年度計劃 | |
22 | Training on environmental policy, environmental risk, updated environmental regulations/laws and environmental awareness |
環境政策、風險、法規、廢水、固廢、噪聲環保意識方面的培訓記錄 | |
Social requirement 社會責任部分 | |
1 | Business license |
營業執照 | |
2 | Timecards or Attendance Records (Last 12 months), including active employees and resignation employees. If electronics time card is used, the auditor may need to review the time record directly from the computer, with the assistance from the facility staff |
工卡或考勤記錄(過去十二個月),包括在職與離職人員。如果是使用電子考勤,審核員可能需要從電腦直接審閱考勤記錄,審閱是會在企業職員協助下進行 | |
3 | Payroll Records (Last 12 months), including active employees and resignation employees. If wage paid by Bank Transfer, Bank Transfer record is required accordingly |
工資表(過去十二個月),包括在職與離職人員。如果工資是通過銀行轉賬發放,請同時提供銀行轉賬記錄 | |
4 | Employee roster and employee personnel records (including I.D. card copy) |
員工花名冊及員工個人檔案 | |
5 | Labor Contract |
勞動合同 | |
6 | Social Insurance Receipts (Last 12 months), Name List, Social Insurance Local Policy or Qualified Certificate (when applicable), etc. Commercial insurance records (if any), e.g. Commercial Insurance Policy, Commercial Insurance Receipts |
社會保險收據(過去十二個月),參保人員花名冊,當地參保要求文件或合格證明文件(如適用)等;商業保險記錄(如有),如商業保險單,商業保險收據 | |
7 | Construction Project Fire Safety Acceptance Document/ Record |
建筑工程消防驗收意見書或消防備案記錄 | |
8 | Fire Fighting and Emergency Evacuation Plan, Fire Drill Record, Work Accident Records and Work-related Injury Record |
滅火和應急疏散預案、演練記錄、工傷記錄等 | |
9 | The operator certificate of automatic fire control system and maintenance contract |
自動消防系統控制系統操作人員證書及維護保養合同 | |
10 | Safety training certificate for main responsible person, safety manager certificate |
主要負責人安全培訓證書,安全管理人員培訓證 | |
11 | Special Appliance (if any) Registration Certificate and Inspection Report, such as Lift, Lifting Appliance, Inside Special Motor Vehicle, Boiler and Compressing Equipment (including Gas Cylinders, Gauge and Safety Valve) and etc. |
特種設備(如有)注冊登記證(表)及檢驗報告,如電梯、起重機械、場(廠)內專用機動車輛、鍋爐及壓力容器(含氣瓶、壓力表及安全閥)等 | |
12 | Special Appliance Operator (if any) Certificate, such as Lift Operator/ Safety Administrator, Lifting Appliance Operator, Inside Special Motor Vehicle Driver, Boiler Operator, Compressing Equipment Operator and etc. |
特種設備作業人員(如有)操作證,如電梯司機、電梯安全管理員、起重機械司機、場(廠)內專用機動車輛司機、鍋爐操作工、壓力容器操作工等 | |
13 | Special Operation (if any) License, such as Electrician, Welder and etc. |
特種作業人員(如有)操作證,如電工、焊接工等 | |
14 | Kitchen’s Catering Service License and Cooks’ Health Certificate |
廚房餐飲服務許可證及廚工健康證 | |
15 | Occupational Hazards Factors Testing Report and Employee Occupational Health Examination Report |
職業危害因素檢測報告和員工職業健康檢查報告 | |
16 | Enterprise Regulation or Employee Handbook (Including but not limit to, recruitment, discrimination, forced labor, working hours, compensation & benefit, disciplinary procedure, working conditions, health and safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining) |
企業規章制度或員工手冊(包括但不限于針對招聘、歧視、強迫勞動、工時、薪資福利、獎懲制度、健康及安全、結社自由和集體談判) | |
17 | Work Safety Education and Training Records, such as Fire Safety Training, Work Safety Rules and Post Safety Operation Procedure, Chemical Safety Training Records, Occupational Health Training |
安全生產教育和培訓記錄,如:消防安全培訓、安全生產規則制度和崗位安全操作規程、安全使用化學品的培訓、職業衛生培訓 | |
18 | Local Minimum Wage Standard |
政府有關當地最低工資標準文件 | |
19 | Leave Application Form, Resignation Application Form with Approval (Last 12 months) |
請假記錄、離職申請/審批記錄(過去十二個月) | |
20 | Production Records (Last 12 months), such as Daily Production Records, Send/ Receiving Materials Records, Piece-rate Records, Quality Control Records, and etc. |
生產記錄(過去十二個月),如生產日報表、收發料記錄、計件記錄、品檢記錄等 | |
21 | Young Worker’s Health Examination and Registration Records |
未成年工體檢及勞動局登記記錄 | |
22 | Dispatched Employees’ Personal Files with ID Card Copy, Attendance & Payroll Records, Labor Contracts, Social Insurance Receipt & Certificates (when applicable), Name List, Labor Dispatch Agreement, Labor Dispatch Business License and Business Certificate of Labor Agent |
勞務派遣工的入職檔案(含身份證復印件),考勤及工資表記錄,勞動合同,社會保險收據及合格證明(如適用),參保人員花名冊,勞務派遣協議,勞務派遣單位的營業執照,勞務派遣經營許可證 | |
23 | Construction Completion Acceptance Check Report/ Register, Building structural safety inspection record |
建筑竣工驗收報告/備案,建筑結構性結構安全檢查記錄 | |
24 | Official Comperhensive Working Hour System Approval, Non-fixed Working Hour System Approval (when applicable) |
當地勞動局關于綜合計算工時工作制批文,不定時工作制批文(如適用) | |
25 | If Intern employed, please provide the list of Intern, Tripartite Agreement signed by the school, the Facility and Students |
聘用實習生,請提供實習生名單,學校、企業和實習生的三方實習協議 | |
26 | If foreigner employed, please provided the Foreigner Employment Permits and Foreigner Employment License |
聘用外籍員工,請提供《外國人就業證》和《外國人就業許可證書》 | |
27 | Collective Labor Agreement or Collective Bargaining Agreements (if any) |
工會、員工代表委員會文件,集體勞動合同或自由談判協議(如有) |
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